Monday, August 10, 2009


So I enjoy wine. Particularly reds. As previously mentioned, I do not live in a cultural mecca and thus do not have local access to those who possess vast quantities of quality vino information. So I have resorted to scouring the internet for information after a recent trip to the vineyards of Long Island peaked my interest around different wine varietals. It has been challenging to find a site that gives information and tips for the "wine novice" and one that may suggest wines that are affordable and easy to find (any suggestions please comment!). So it has been a relatively fruitless effort at educating my brain and palate on the differences between say a pinot noir and a shiraz. So my question to the blogging world is....What is your favorite type of wine and why?

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Just wanted to post my new favorite recipe for people to try once people actually start reading my blog :) I found it on and love it!

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
2 cloves of garlic
Olive oil

Put garlic and oil and saute for a minute or so. Add chicken and brown on both sides.

1/3 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup red wine

Sprinkle chicken breasts with paprika and brown sugar. Pour red wine over. Reduce heat to simmer and cover 15 minutes. Take cover off and cook until liquid reduces to thick sauce.

I like to serve this with rice or pasta. Enjoy!


So instead of posting a monologue today I thought I would just pose a question I have after attending a close friend's bridal shower this weekend.....As a single 20-something am I supposed to be jealous of her? Just wondering cause I'm not feeling jealous and something tells me I am supposed to!