Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So as a woman in her late 20s society expects me to want to have a baby in the not to distant future. Now I work with kids, love working with kids in fact, however I at this time do not believe myself capable of being a mother. Case in point, today I went to the new Super Wal-Mart in my town with my friend and her 5 and 2 year old children. Even though I have been out with them multiple times before, this trip was a particularly eye opening experience. First we stopped at the Dunkin Donuts to properly caffeinate and of course, the kids needed donuts. So they sat in the carriage side-by-side eating their donuts quietly for approximately 10 minutes. Then began the whining and screeching of the 2 year old. He didn't want his donut...took it away. He wanted his shoes off.....we took them off. Didn't want his sister sitting next to him...too bad for him. His sister didn't want him to touch her....we told him to stop (ha). His sister wanted to know why there were so many types of deodorant....I told her I didn't know (simply not acceptable!) And thus it went throughout the hour long trip. Now, this isn't to say that they are not the most adorable, well behaved and engaging children in the whole world...the definitely are. But they are still kids. The moral of the story is I am simply not ready to be a mother because I would be unable to survive trips to Wal-mart which is just not OK. So there societal norms.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for your lovely comment on the crochet blog
    I'm glad I came to visit you... I like your analysis. I can relate to this post. When I was in my twenties ! There is no particular timing (except mother nature bell)to become a Mom and no "have-to's"anyway.
    Now I'm in my (very)late thirthies and I have a daughter. No nervewracking "Wallmart" day out, and I'm so glad she's here.
    But I have to say there is another question that often come to my mind now : why do some people have kids ? and : when they can't even deal with one or two, why do they keep on breeding ?!!
    To the deodorant question, I'd answer (next time LOL) that it's because there are several type of people, and it's like icecream they want to have a choice...(??? no need for a big explanation !)

    Looking forward to reading more of your sharp writings !
